Infinito PoltronaFrau

2019 / poltrona frau / tables & consolle

A unique block of marble in the world, a masterpiece of nature. A single piece. Poltrona Frau discovered it and asked designer Roberto Lazzeroni to design an object of great character to further increase its value. Inspired by the beauty and uniqueness of the material, the designer created “Infinito∞”, a table-sculpture with an amazing scenic impact. With this table-object d’art that has no equals even in its own production, Poltrona Frau seeks to reiterate the real meaning of contemporary luxury: a luxury that can only come from materials of absolute quality, from profound design and from unrivalled handicraft and productive skill. This is the only way to create a truly exclusive product. A work of art to be admired, to live and appreciate every day, Infinito.



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